Zeeuw & Zeeuw Renault wint prestigieuze ‘GCRE Award 2022’!
Wij zijn enorm blij! Wij zijn super trots!
De Groupement des Concessionnaires Renault Europe (GCRE) is de Europese Dealervereniging van Renault/Dacia/Alpine waarbij alle dealers van deze merken in heel Europa zijn aangesloten.
Ieder jaar reikt de GCRE een prijs uit voor het beste innovatieve idee of de beste Best Practice van alle dealers in Europa!
Op 1 december jl. was het zover. De uitreiking van de ‘GCRE Award’ in het Krasnapolsky Hotel in Amsterdam waarbij de voorzitter van de GCRE Jérôme Daumont, vol enthousiasme Zeeuw & Zeeuw Renault tot winnaar kroonde!
Ons eigen unieke ‘ZZ Top Academy’ trainingsprogramma werd verkozen als de allerbeste Best Practice door de leden van de GCRE. Met name het feit dat het echt aansluit op de praktijk en daarmee een verrijking is voor collega’s met als doel de optimale klantbeleving in te trainen sprak de GCRE enorm aan.
Ook waren er bewonderende woorden voor het feit dat het programma geheel ‘in house’ wordt vervaardigd (van inhoud tot en met de filmpjes en alles dat daartussen zit) onder begeleiding van Corina Vink, de interne huistrainer! Een tweewekelijkse training die hoort bij deze snelle tijd!
Met enorm veel trots, en onder begeleiding van een luid applaus werd de bijbehorende bokaal in ontvangst genomen door Jan Hofstede Hofstede CEO Zeeuw & Zeeuw en Marco Ligtelijn Directeur Zeeuw & Zeeuw Renault. “Met recht een Best Practice” aldus Jérôme Daumont.
#zeeuwenzeeuw #renault #dacia #award #gcre #winner #betrokken #ondersheidend #deskundig #ambitieus #geïnteresseerd #zztopacademy #werkenbijzeeuwenzeeuw #Renaultnederland #Dacianederland #Corinavink #GCREAward
Groupement des Concessionares Renault Europe (GCRE) is an organisation which represents the interests of Renault, Dacia and Alpine dealer networks of several European and Eurasian countries. Our main objective is to represent the interest of Retailers in the (strategic) developments and policy making on future mobility retailing and distribution of spare parts. Our way of working it to add our extensive experience in discussions with stakeholders regarding mid- and long-term projects and policy making. For this purpose, GCRE is in close contact with our main stakeholder and manufacturer Renault Group.
Currently the network representatives from the following countries are actively involved in GCRE: Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Turkey and United Kingdom.
GCRE Award
GCRE rewarded annually the “GCRE Award” to one among many of their retail members. The objective of this award is to reward a unique business idea, an outstanding performance or any other retailer initiative that can be seen as an inspiration for other retailers. By this, GCRE contributes to exposure, awareness and recognition of both the induvial retailer performance a as well as the added value of retail in general within the Renault Group value chain. Retailers can be selected by others or send in their own initiatives or performances. From all submissions, the board of GCRE selects which initiative wins. The final winner will be handed over the GCRE Award during the end of year general assembly and by that puts the retailer in the spotlight.
2022 GCRE Award winner
GCRE is happy to announce that the 2022 GCRE Award winner is the ZZ TOP Academy initiative of Renault & Dacia Dealer Zeeuw & Zeeuw. The company is active in The Hague, Utrecht and Rotterdam in The Netherlands and is multi brand dealer including the brands Renault and Dacia. Zeeuw & Zeeuw employs over 240 employees and is no exception in facing difficulties of recruiting new employees. Next to that, it values their current employees and find it very important to be an attractive employer that continuously contributes to the engagement and development of their colleagues.
Therefore, the company launch the “ZZ TOP Academy”. An on- and offline academy that includes training courses for both sales and after sales. The training modules are 100% produced inhouse by own employees, supported by training professionals. Employees are trained on a weekly basis, either via online eLearning or offline via coaching on the job and training sessions. By that Zeeuw & Zeeuw trains on procedures, knowledge, and skills. Every module ends with a test to see if the knowledge transfer succeeded or if help is needed.
Jury’s verdict
The GCRE board decided that Zeeuw and Zeeuw includes all qualities to be this year’s winner. The ZZ TOP Academy is a unique and inspiring dealer initiative. One of the strengths is that the Academy is 100% produced inhouse including own employees. The initiative solves issues on a structuring theme that is actual in many of the Renault and Dacia premisses. Both in terms of federating teams, but also in terms of providing a sense of belonging. Important arguments nowadays in solving recruitment issues.
To conclude, GCRE congratulates Zeeuw & Zeeuw winning the 2022 GCRE Award. It’s a true inspiration for all Renault and Dacia dealers in Europa and therefore well deserved.